Macarons are light-as-a-feather French cookies that can be assembled using any sweet fillings and bases that you please. Our best, step-by-step recipe...
Blondies prove that pantry staples like flour, brown sugar, butter, and eggs can be spun into pure gold-and without a mixer, at that. Amp up their flavor...
This dessert is just like a homemade cherry pie...except you can grab it and eat it on the go! Slip the finished squares into lunch boxes, pass them out...
Each tender cookie has a gooey marshmallow lodged inside, plus it's all covered in chocolate. The cookies are perfect for sharing at holidays and events...
These cookies have a dark color and a pronounced molasses flavor. If you are making the Gingerbread Town-Square Cake, you can use this template to trace...
The deep hazelnut flavor and buttery goodness of these cookies belie their simplicity. With just five ingredients, these are some of the easiest cookies...
Serve these sweet treats for dessert at your next game night. We used card-suit cookie cutters to shape the blondies into hearts, clubs, diamonds, and...
These cookies are wrapped in the spirit of the season. Fresh out of the oven, they have a wonderfully chewy center. Over time, the centers become more...
A generous helping of two types of chips--semisweet and milk chocolate--makes these soft, cakey cookies--an alternative to the traditional recipe--even...
To preserve the appearance of the sugary tops, layer cookies between parchment or wax paper when packing them for school lunches or as gifts. Freezing...
Martha's made many versions of these cookies over the years. Her latest, greatest recipe boasts crisp edges, chewy centers, and best of all, lots and lots...
With its pie-or-cookie personality, this familiar yet exotic dessert has something for everyone: There are cookies, custard, cream, and coconut in every...
We were inspired by the flavors of pecan pie when we created these treats. They're simple to make, thanks to a quick crust and stovetop filling. You can...
No holiday cookie tin would be complete without at least a few Noel nut balls, rich nut-and-butter domes, rolled in confectioners' sugar to resemble miniature...
These Italian cookies are made without butter or oil and are twice baked to crisp perfection. Try Almond Biscotti, Cherry Espresso Biscotti, Rum-Soaked...
The milk-chocolate topping of these cookies looks like the result of masterful piping, but it's actually a cinch to make using a mold. Beneath the chocolate...
These traditional Passover cookies couldn't be easier to make--just stir and bake--and they require only a handful of ingredients, including crunchy almonds....
Known as zimtsterne in Germany, these festive star-shaped cookies are made from a nut meringue that's rolled and cut, then iced with a mixture of egg white...
Anyone who loves peanut-butter cookies, will surely love these delicious dessert sandwiches. Each one is made with two peanut butter-oatmeal cookies with...
Looking for a sweet dessert to serve for Passover? This recipe for macaroons offers an intense chocolate flavor without ingredients (bread, wheat, oats,...
Cornmeal gives these not-too-sweet cookies a crumbly texture and golden color. Keep an extra log in the freezer -- you can slice off and bake as many cookies...